Spring 2021 Results

Best Feature
Winner: House of Inequity
Nominee: Acting
Nominee: RED PILL
Nominee: The Movie
Nominee: Endless Night
Nominee: Hell is Empty

Best Short
Winner: FAT CAMP
Winner: Nevermore
Winner: Hare Hunt
Winner: Tess & Dodi
Winner: Woodland Cemetery
Nominee: ...And Then the Darkness
Nominee: Night of the Jarrawog
Nominee: Hell in a Handbasket
Nominee: If Likes Could Kill
Nominee: Moonlit Requiem
Nominee: Nesting Grounds
Nominee: The Last Order
Nominee: Reptile House
Nominee: The Commitment
Nominee: Burn the Bitch
Nominee: Morsure (Bite)
Nominee: New Medication
Nominee: Family History
Nominee: The Mission
Nominee: Call for Me
Nominee: Spare Body
Nominee: Crock Pot
Nominee: Deathboy
Nominee: Anxiety
Nominee: Clamps
Nominee: Viola
Nominee: Guilt
Nominee: Ospel

Best Documentary Short
Winner: Histories of Wolves
Winner: Kashmiri Pandit "The Invisible
    Refugees" 30 Years in Exile
Nominee: Covid Mystery - What happened
    in Mexico?
Nominee: What happens in Mexico
    stays in Mexico
Nominee: Fighters in an invisible battle
Nominee: Law and order in Taiwan

Best Animated Short
Winner: Poise
Winner: Re-Animal
Winner: The Dead Hands of Dublin
Nominee: The Beast of Bourbon
Nominee: The West Patch Pilot

Best Twist
Winner: Kyle
Winner: Crock Pot
Winner: Moonlit Requiem
Nominee: Secret in the forest
Nominee: WreckVlogs
Best Actor
Winner: Anxiety (Paul Anthony)
Winner: Dear Ed (Fabien Hintenoch)
Winner: Family History (Matthew Courson)
Nominee: Covid Mystery - What happened
    in Mexico? (Pedro Rocha)
Nominee: Dawn of Spectral Darkness
    (Leonidas Dacul Stanescu)
Nominee: Yaksharakkan (Demon Yakshan)
    (Deepakraj Gunasekaran)
Nominee: Devil in the Details
    (Wes Worthing)
Nominee: Fear the Unknown (Perica Antov)
Nominee: Below A Dark Wood (Jesse Massaro)
Nominee: The Dirty Hands Man
    (Logan Monaco)
Nominee: Thousands of Years (Travis Doane)
Nominee: No Greater Evil (Ethan Emmert)
Nominee: The Last Chance (Z. Ali)
Nominee: Spare Body (Ethan Hunt)
Nominee: Wacko (Kyle Coughran)
Nominee: Paragon (Trent Buxton)

Best Actress
Winner: Acting (Annabella Rich)
Winner: New Medication (Sadie Ashcroft)
Winner: RED PILL (Tonya Pinkins)
Winner: The Movie (Bonnie Root)
Nominee: If Likes Could Kill
    (Rashieda Awan)
Nominee: Poems by two emperor poets
    (Queena Ying)
Nominee: Queen of the Dead
    (Trista Robinson)
Nominee: Moonlit Requiem (Angharad L. Ford)
Nominee: Hell is Empty (Spencer Peppet)
Nominee: Air B & D (Molly Ester Wilson)
Nominee: Crock Pot (Jessi Burkette)
Nominee: Tess & Dodi (Summer Zamiska)
Nominee: Notice Me (Yesi Rodriguez)
Nominee: Boy Wanted (Bella Yin)

Best Editing
Winner: BITE
Winner: The Last Order
Winner: Burn the Bitch
Winner: Below A Dark Wood
Nominee: Kashmiri Pandit "The Invisible
    Refugees" 30 Years in Exile
Nominee: It's My Halloween Party
    (You Can Die If You Want)
Nominee: What happens in Mexico
    stays in Mexico
Nominee: Poems by two emperor poets
Nominee: Dawn of Spectral Darkness
Nominee: Devil in the Details
Nominee: Histories of Wolves
Nominee: The Dirty Hands Man
Nominee: A drop of kindness
Nominee: House of Inequity
Nominee: Woodland Cemetery
Nominee: Fear the Unknown
Nominee: Moonlit Requiem
Nominee: Family History
Nominee: Morsure (Bite)
Nominee: Digital Scam
Nominee: Call for Me
Nominee: WreckVlogs
Nominee: Hare Hunt
Nominee: Nevermore
Nominee: FAT CAMP
Nominee: Anxiety
Nominee: Inside
Best Director
Winner: Poise
Winner: Anxiety
Winner: FAT CAMP
Winner: The Beast of Bourbon
Nominee: The Dead Hands of Dublin
Nominee: Poems by two emperor poets
Nominee: Dawn of Spectral Darkness
Nominee: The Dirty Hands Man
Nominee: Thousands of Years
Nominee: Woodland Cemetery
Nominee: Below A Dark Wood
Nominee: House of Inequity
Nominee: Fear the Unknown
Nominee: Moonlit Requiem
Nominee: The Last Chance
Nominee: Ruidos (Noises)
Nominee: No Greater Evil
Nominee: Burn the Bitch
Nominee: The Last Order
Nominee: Family History
Nominee: Endless Night
Nominee: Tess & Dodi
Nominee: The Mission
Nominee: Boy Wanted
Nominee: Spare Body
Nominee: Nevermore
Nominee: Air B & D
Nominee: Crock Pot
Nominee: Re-Animal
Nominee: Hare Hunt
Nominee: RED PILL
Nominee: Deathboy
Nominee: Acting
Nominee: Viola
Nominee: Wacko
Nominee: Ospel

Best Cinematography
Winner: Viola
Winner: Crock Pot
Winner: Nevermore
Winner: Reptile House
Winner: Morsure (Bite)
Winner: Woodland Cemetery
Nominee: Fear the Unknown
Nominee: Below A Dark Wood
Nominee: Poems by two emperor poets
Nominee: Hell in a Handbasket
Nominee: The Dirty Hands Man
Nominee: House of Inequity
Nominee: The Last Order
Nominee: New Medication
Nominee: Call for Me
Nominee: Hare Hunt
Nominee: Notice Me
Nominee: Deathboy
Nominee: FAT CAMP
Nominee: RED PILL
Nominee: Ospel
Nominee: Guilt
Best Sound
Winner: Poise
Winner: Spare Body
Winner: Morsure (Bite)
Winner: The Last Order
Winner: Thousands of Years
Winner: The Dead Hands of Dublin
Winner: Dawn of Spectral Darkness
Nominee: The Ominous Project Universe
    Presents: BLOODY MARY
Nominee: Poems by two emperor poets
Nominee: Hell in a Handbasket
Nominee: The West Patch Pilot
Nominee: House of Inequity
Nominee: Woodland Cemetery
Nominee: Below A Dark Wood
Nominee: Fear the Unknown
Nominee: Call for Me
Nominee: Hare Hunt
Nominee: Nevermore
Nominee: Re-Animal
Nominee: FAT CAMP
Nominee: Inside
Nominee: Ospel
Nominee: BITE

Best Music
Winner: Clamps
Winner: RED PILL
Winner: Hare Hunt
Winner: The Last Chance
Winner: The Dirty Hands Man
Winner: It's My Halloween Party
    (You Can Die If You Want)
Nominee: The Ominous Project Universe
    Presents: BLOODY MARY
Nominee: Yaksharakkan (Demon Yakshan)
Nominee: Poems by two emperor poets
Nominee: Dawn of Spectral Darkness
Nominee: The Dead Hands of Dublin
Nominee: ...And Then the Darkness
Nominee: The West Patch Pilot
Nominee: If Likes Could Kill
Nominee: Woodland Cemetery
Nominee: Moonlit Requiem
Nominee: New Medication
Nominee: The Last Order
Nominee: Burn the Bitch
Nominee: Morsure (Bite)
Nominee: The Bunny Man
Nominee: Digital Scam
Nominee: Mama's Soup
Nominee: Call for Me
Nominee: Boy Wanted
Nominee: Nevermore
Nominee: Crock Pot
Nominee: Re-Animal
Nominee: The Hike
Nominee: FAT CAMP
Nominee: Anxiety
Nominee: Dear Ed
Nominee: Paragon
Nominee: Acting
Nominee: Ospel
Nominee: Guilt
Best Special Effects
Winner: Ospel
Winner: FAT CAMP
Winner: House of Inequity
Nominee: The Ominous Project Universe
    Presents: BLOODY MARY
Nominee: Hell in a Handbasket
Nominee: Nesting Grounds
Nominee: The Last Chance
Nominee: New Medication
Nominee: The Last Order
Nominee: The Commitment
Nominee: Reptile House
Nominee: Crock Pot
Nominee: Deathboy

Best Original Concept
Winner: Poise
Winner: Anxiety
Winner: Spare Body
Winner: Call for Me
Winner: Family History
Winner: Nesting Grounds
Nominee: Touched by the unknown
Nominee: Night of the Jarrawog
Nominee: The Beast of Bourbon
Nominee: The West Patch Pilot
Nominee: Thousands of Years
Nominee: Queen of the Dead
Nominee: Inferno Reflexio
Nominee: The Last Chance
Nominee: Ruidos (Noises)
Nominee: The Commitment
Nominee: New Medication
Nominee: Hell is Empty
Nominee: Tess & Dodi
Nominee: The Mission
Nominee: Mama's Soup
Nominee: The Movie
Nominee: Dear Ed
Nominee: Clamps
Nominee: Ospel

Best Writing
Winner: Acting
Winner: Tess & Dodi
Winner: The Commitment
Winner: ...And Then the Darkness
Nominee: Kyle
Nominee: Guilt
Nominee: Clamps
Nominee: FAT CAMP
Nominee: The Movie
Nominee: Re-Animal
Nominee: Hare Hunt
Nominee: WreckVlogs
Nominee: Call for Me
Nominee: The Mission
Nominee: Endless Night
Nominee: Family History
Nominee: New Medication
Nominee: Burn the Bitch
Nominee: Hell in a Handbasket
Nominee: Devil in the Details
Best Atmosphere
Winner: Poise
Winner: Clamps
Winner: Deathboy
Winner: The Mission
Winner: Morsure (Bite)
Winner: The Last Order
Nominee: Yaksharakkan (Demon Yakshan)
Nominee: Night of the Jarrawog
Nominee: Secret in the forest
Nominee: The Beast of Bourbon
Nominee: Histories of Wolves
Nominee: Thousands of Years
Nominee: Below A Dark Wood
Nominee: Woodland Cemetery
Nominee: Queen of the Dead
Nominee: House of Inequity
Nominee: Fear the Unknown
Nominee: Inferno Reflexio
Nominee: No Greater Evil
Nominee: The Last Chance
Nominee: Nesting Grounds
Nominee: The Commitment
Nominee: New Medication
Nominee: Hell is Empty
Nominee: The Bunny Man
Nominee: Spare Body
Nominee: Crock Pot
Nominee: Notice Me
Nominee: Air B & D
Nominee: Hare Hunt
Nominee: Nevermore
Nominee: The Hike
Nominee: RED PILL
Nominee: Paragon
Nominee: Dear Ed
Nominee: Inside
Nominee: Viola
Nominee: Wacko
Nominee: Guilt
Nominee: BITE

Best Humor
Winner: Clamps
Winner: FAT CAMP
Winner: Re-Animal
Winner: Burn the Bitch
Winner: Night of the Jarrawog
Nominee: The Ominous Project Universe
    Presents: BLOODY MARY
Nominee: Danny Hall: The Killer Crab Elf
Nominee: The West Patch Pilot
Nominee: The Movie
Nominee: The Hike
Nominee: Bed Bugs
Nominee: Kyle
Best Kill
Winner: Danny Hall: The Killer Crab Elf
Winner: The Beast of Bourbon
Winner: House of Inequity
Winner: The Commitment
Winner: Tess & Dodi
Winner: Crock Pot
Winner: FAT CAMP
Winner: Deathboy
Nominee: ...And Then the Darkness
Nominee: The Dirty Hands Man
Nominee: If Likes Could Kill
Nominee: The Bunny Man
Nominee: Hell is Empty
Nominee: Mama's Soup
Nominee: Spare Body
Nominee: Air B & D
Nominee: Hare Hunt
Nominee: Notice Me
Nominee: Re-Animal
Nominee: RED PILL
Nominee: Bed Bugs
Nominee: Acting
Nominee: Guilt
Nominee: Ospel
Nominee: BITE

Most Disturbing
Winner: Endless Night
Best Monster
Winner: Ospel
Winner: The Beast of Bourbon
Nominee: Night of the Jarrawog
Nominee: Nesting Grounds
Nominee: Crock Pot
Nominee: Bed Bugs

Best Gore
Winner: BITE
Winner: Ospel
Winner: FAT CAMP
Winner: House of Inequity
Winner: If Likes Could Kill
Winner: Danny Hall: The Killer Crab Elf
Nominee: The Ominous Project Universe
    Presents: BLOODY MARY
Nominee: The Dirty Hands Man
Nominee: The Beast of Bourbon
Nominee: The Last Chance
Nominee: The Commitment
Nominee: Tess & Dodi
Nominee: The Movie
Nominee: Bed Bugs
Nominee: RED PILL
Nominee: Deathboy

Best Badass
Winner: Reptile House (Sharai Rewels)
Nominee: The Bunny Man (Keri Costa)
Best Scare
Winner: Guilt
Winner: Viola
Winner: Woodland Cemetery
Winner: The Ominous Project Universe
    Presents: BLOODY MARY
Nominee: Yaksharakkan (Demon Yakshan)
Nominee: Queen of the Dead
Nominee: House of Inequity
Nominee: Fear the Unknown
Nominee: No Greater Evil
Nominee: The Last Order
Nominee: The Mission
Nominee: Spare Body
Nominee: RED PILL
Nominee: Deathboy
Nominee: Paragon
Nominee: Dear Ed

Best Nudity
Winner: Acting
Winner: Air B & D
Winner: Morsure (Bite)
Nominee: The Hike

Best Feature Script
Winner: The Shroud
Winner: 10 Sinners
Winner: The Demon Daughter
Nominee: SOMA
Nominee: MOURN
Nominee: Empath
Nominee: Torment
Nominee: Lockridge
Nominee: Horror Box
Nominee: Serenity Acres
Nominee: Mistresses of Sleep
Nominee: Bad to the Bone
Best Short Script
Winner: Diet
Winner: These Faces
Winner: School Trip
Winner: Trilogia della Morte
Winner: Unleashing the Beast
Nominee: Horror Kid
Nominee: The Bad Poet
Nominee: Missing Pieces
Nominee: come home daddy
Nominee: Gloomy Sunday
Nominee: The Ashen Man
Nominee: Fun and Games
Nominee: Knitting Out
Nominee: Hungry Eyes
Nominee: Just Coffee
Nominee: The Depths
Nominee: Knightfall
Nominee: Panopticon
Nominee: Allusion
Nominee: SUMMER
Nominee: Dolores
Nominee: Irina
Nominee: GRAVEN
Nominee: Chimes
Nominee: Piggy
Nominee: AM