June 2018 Results

Best Feature
Winner: Lost in Apocalypse
Nominee: Polterheist
Nominee: Thy Neighbor
Nominee: Penny Palabras
Nominee: The Cuckoo in the Clock
Nominee: Bride of Violence

Best Short
Winner: Dark Wake
Winner: Caducea
Winner: One Dark Night
Winner: The Succubus
Nominee: Where's Violet?
Nominee: No Going Back
Nominee: Detour
Nominee: Breaking Wheel
Nominee: And Nothing Hurt
Nominee: The Doll
Nominee: Teeth and Pills
Nominee: Like Every Morning
Nominee: I've Got Skeletons
Nominee: Freddo Dentro
Nominee: Bitten
Nominee: Léa
Nominee: Cat Box
Nominee: Hickey
Nominee: Puzzle
Nominee: Box
Nominee: Mask Killer
Nominee: Seeing Green
Nominee: Ad Ogni Uomo Basta
La Sua Croce

Best Web Series
Winner: Supay Pacha: Into Devil's Mouth
Nominee: Yo Houdini!
Nominee: Pulpette

Best Animated Short
Winner: The Balking Dead
Best Documentary Short
Winner: Cause of Death - Kate & Anthony
Nominee: Budget Travel for Dummies
Nominee: I got robbed! But the thief called
the police!

Best Actress
Winner: Seeing Green (Megan Duffy)
Winner: Léa (Christina Toth)
Winner: Polterheist (Jo Mousley)
Nominee: Breaking Wheel (Danica O'Neill)
Nominee: The Doll (Mor Cohen)
Nominee: The Abducted (Stephanie Dunbar)
Nominee: Hickey (Charity Buckbee)
Nominee: To love, to fight and to kill
(Judith Elisabeth Meyer)
Nominee: Thy Neighbor (Jessica Koloian)
Nominee: Henry 8th's 6th Wife - Queen
Katherine Parr (Katherine Pegova)
Nominee: Henry 8th's 5th wife - Queen
Catherine Howard (Christina Evans)
Nominee: Henry 8th's 4th wife - Anne
of Cleves (Charlie Parker)

Best Actor
Winner: Caducea (Vincent Delré)
Winner: Box (Jimmy Dempster)
Nominee: Death is Alive (Perica Antov)
Nominee: Where's Violet? (Reg Rozee)
Nominee: The Cuckoo in the Clock
(Jacob James)
Nominee: Lost in Apocalypse
(Mingyi Yang)

Best Special Effects
Winner: Dark Wake
Winner: Caducea
Nominee: One Dark Night
Nominee: Lost in Apocalypse
Nominee: The Abducted
Nominee: The Succubus
Best Director
Winner: No Going Back
Winner: Breaking Wheel
Winner: Dark Wake
Winner: Hickey
Nominee: And Nothing Hurt
Nominee: A Walk in the Park
Nominee: The Cuckoo in the Clock
Nominee: Lost in Apocalypse
Nominee: Freddo Dentro
Nominee: The Abducted
Nominee: Seeing Green
Nominee: The Succubus
Nominee: Thy Neighbor
Nominee: Lucky
Nominee: Léa
Nominee: Box

Best Cinematography
Winner: And Nothing Hurt
Winner: Dark Wake
Winner: Cat Box
Winner: Caducea
Nominee: No Going Back
Nominee: Breaking Wheel
Nominee: One Dark Night
Nominee: Lost in Apocalypse
Nominee: The Succubus
Nominee: Thy Neighbor
Nominee: Bitten
Nominee: Box

Best Editing
Winner: Cat Box
Winner: Thy Neighbor
Nominee: Where's Violet?
Nominee: This Wicked World
Nominee: Lost in Apocalypse
Nominee: Yo Houdini!
Nominee: Breaking Wheel
Nominee: Freddo Dentro
Nominee: Dark Wake
Nominee: Box
Best Sound
Winner: Bitten
Winner: Lost in Apocalypse
Nominee: Breaking Wheel
Nominee: And Nothing Hurt
Nominee: One Dark Night
Nominee: Seeing Green
Nominee: Thy Neighbor
Nominee: Dark Wake
Nominee: Cat Box

Best Music
Winner: And Nothing Hurt
Winner: The Cuckoo in the Clock
Winner: This Wicked World
Winner: Hickey
Nominee: Breaking Wheel
Nominee: Teeth and Pills
Nominee: I've Got Skeletons
Nominee: To love, to fight and to kill
Nominee: Lost in Apocalypse
Nominee: Penny Palabras
Nominee: Thy Neighbor
Nominee: Soul Puppet
Nominee: Seeing Green
Nominee: Dark Wake
Nominee: Caducea
Nominee: Bitten
Nominee: Lucky
Nominee: Cat Box
Nominee: Ad Ogni Uomo Basta
La Sua Croce
Best Original Concept
Winner: Cat Box
Winner: Freddo Dentro
Winner: Caducea
Nominee: PAW
Nominee: Teeth and Pills
Nominee: Final Proof - Is Paul
McCartney dead?
Nominee: Sweet Tears - Fight
Against Diabetes
Nominee: Penny Palabras
Nominee: Like Every Morning
Nominee: Polterheist
Nominee: Death is Alive
Nominee: Dark Wake
Nominee: Lucky
Nominee: Soul Puppet
Nominee: Bitten
Nominee: Puzzle

Best Scare
Winner: The Doll
Winner: The Succubus
Winner: Léa
Nominee: One Dark Night
Nominee: The Abducted
Nominee: Thy Neighbor
Nominee: Cat Box

Best Badass
Winner: Léa (Jessica Davis)
Best Writing
Winner: One Dark Night
Winner: I've Got Skeletons
Nominee: The Succubus
Nominee: Like Every Morning
Nominee: Polterheist
Nominee: Caducea
Nominee: Box
Nominee: Hickey
Nominee: Cat Box
Nominee: Detour
Nominee: Ad Ogni Uomo Basta
La Sua Croce

Best Atmosphere
Winner: The Abducted
Winner: Where's Violet?
Nominee: Goodnight
Nominee: Mask Killer
Nominee: What's for Dinner?
Nominee: Supay Pacha: Into Devil's Mouth
Nominee: One Dark Night
Nominee: Dark Wake
Nominee: Hickey
Nominee: Cat Box
Nominee: Puzzle
Nominee: Ad Ogni Uomo Basta
La Sua Croce
Best Gore
Winner: What's for Dinner?
Winner: Dark Wake
Winner: Like Every Morning
Nominee: The Abducted
Nominee: Freddo Dentro
Nominee: Lost in Apocalypse
Nominee: Soul Puppet
Nominee: The Succubus
Nominee: Hickey

Best Twist
Winner: What's for Dinner?
Winner: Cat Box

Best Monster
Winner: Dark Wake
Nominee: Penny Palabras
Best Kill
Winner: The Succubus
Winner: Like Every Morning
Nominee: Detour
Nominee: The Abducted
Nominee: To love, to fight and to kill
Nominee: Lost in Apocalypse
Nominee: Bride of Violence
Nominee: Thy Neighbor
Nominee: Léa

Best Nudity
Winner: Léa
Nominee: Polterheist
Best Humor
Winner: Teeth and Pills
Winner: Mask Killer
Winner: The Succubus
Winner: Lost in Apocalypse
Winner: Bitten
Nominee: One Dark Night
Nominee: I've Got Skeletons
Nominee: The Balking Dead
Nominee: A Walk in the Park
Nominee: What's for Dinner?
Nominee: Polterheist
Nominee: Pulpette

Most Disturbing
Winner: Like Every Morning
Nominee: Bride of Violence

Best Feature Script
Winner: The Color of Evil
Nominee: Ruins: The Gatekeeper
Nominee: The Touch
Nominee: The Chapel
Nominee: Distance from Avalon
Nominee: At the Mercy of Faith
Nominee: The Zombie Effect
Best Short Script
Winner: The Key Between My Fingers
Winner: Lycanthrope
Nominee: Callback
Nominee: The Witches of the Watch
Nominee: Confessions of an Apotemnophile: I Think I Am
Nominee: Darkness Never Forgives
Nominee: The Prescription
Nominee: Living Memory
Nominee: Ruby
Nominee: Caged
Nominee: Busted