December 2017 Results
Best Feature Winner: The Moose Head Over the Mantel Nominee: Jasper Nominee: Blood Myth Best Short Winner: Corpse Pose Winner: Halfway House Winner: Boris in the Forest Nominee: The Morning After Nominee: The Hunter Nominee: Envy Nominee: Taste Nominee: Round-trip Nominee: BOUND - Human Trafficking Awareness Film Best Documentary Feature Winner: Documenting the Witch Path Best Documentary Short Nominee: The Story | Best Web Series Winner: The Hunted: Encore Best Director Winner: Round-trip Nominee: David's Here Nominee: The Morning After Nominee: Boris in the Forest Nominee: Documenting the Witch Path Nominee: One, Two, Guess Who's Who Nominee: The Bridges Nominee: Halfway House Nominee: Blood Myth Nominee: Messiah Nominee: Envy Nominee: Taste Best Actor Winner: David's Here (Sion Lloyd) Nominee: The Accused (David Simanek) Nominee: Parched (Kerwin Johnson Jr.) Nominee: Messiah (Jimmy Dempster) Nominee: The Choices We Make (Ed Bergtold) | Best Actress Winner: Envy (Pippa Harrison) Nominee: Taste (Christina Toth) Nominee: Captured (Denisha Hardeman) Best Cinematography Winner: Corpse Pose Winner: Taste Nominee: The Morning After Nominee: Boris in the Forest Nominee: Round-trip Nominee: Messiah Nominee: Embryo Nominee: Blood Myth Nominee: Halfway House Nominee: BOUND - Human Trafficking Awareness Film Best Writing Winner: The Morning After Winner: Envy Nominee: Corpse Pose Nominee: Blood Myth |
Best Editing Winner: Halfway House Nominee: Corpse Pose Nominee: Heartseeker Nominee: Messiah Nominee: Blood Myth Nominee: BOUND - Human Trafficking Awareness Film Best Special Effects Winner: Boris in the Forest Nominee: One, Two, Guess Who's Who Nominee: The Moose Head Over the Mantel Nominee: Halfway House | Best Music Winner: Round-trip Winner: One, Two, Guess Who's Who Nominee: David's Here Nominee: The Hunted: Encore Nominee: The Moose Head Over the Mantel Nominee: Heartseeker Nominee: Taste Best Sound Winner: Halfway House Nominee: Corpse Pose Nominee: Round-trip Nominee: The Moose Head Over the Mantel Nominee: Messiah Nominee: Taste | Best Atmosphere Winner: Round-trip Nominee: Insight Nominee: Corpse Pose Nominee: The Hunter Nominee: Unterwelt - The World Beyond Nominee: David's Here Nominee: Here We Come Nominee: In My Mind Best Twist Winner: Blood Myth Nominee: Unterwelt - The World Beyond |
Best Original Concept Winner: Corpse Pose Winner: Jasper Nominee: Two for 5 Nominee: Embryo Nominee: Insomniac Nominee: Tudor Tales - Matthew Stewart Nominee: The Moose Head Over the Mantel Most Disturbing Winner: The Bridges Nominee: Heartseeker Nominee: Sexual, Repulsive and Sick | Best Humor Winner: Boris in the Forest Nominee: Fruit Bat II Nominee: Halfway House Nominee: The Hunted: Encore Nominee: Blood Myth Nominee: Parched Best Scare Winner: The Hunter Nominee: Insight Nominee: Corpse Pose Nominee: Unterwelt - The World Beyond Nominee: Round-trip Nominee: In My Mind Nominee: Insomniac Nominee: Captured | Best Kill Winner: Taste Nominee: Boris in the Forest Nominee: The Moose Head Over the Mantel Nominee: Embryo Best Gore Winner: Fruit Bat II Nominee: Two for 5 Nominee: Boris in the Forest Nominee: The Moose Head Over the Mantel Nominee: Heartseeker Nominee: Taste Best Nudity Winner: Taste |
Best Feature Script Winner: Werewolves From Outer Space Nominee: IMP Nominee: Kid Arachnid | Best Short Script Winner: Big Rock, Little People Nominee: Zero Nominee: Stasis* Nominee: Evening of the Evil Eye Nominee: Raising Hell Nominee: They are so adorable Nominee: The Nightmare Nominee: Mysterious Man of Croglin Grange Nominee: Ember Paradise Nominee: Terrordactyl |