June 2017 Results

Best Short
Winner: Hope
Nominee: Art/Form
Nominee: Goodman
Nominee: Revenge is Best Served...
Nominee: The Babysitter
Nominee: Reincarnation - Tibet or Tudor
Nominee: Another Nostradamus Prophecy

Best Director
Winner: Goodman
Nominee: Revenge is Best Served...
Nominee: Hope
Nominee: Conduit
Best Actor
Winner: Hope (Herman Ljung Opedal)
Nominee: Illusion (Mohammad Farahani)

Best Actress
Winner: The Babysitter
(Erica Duke Forsyth)
Nominee: Time Travel Trilogy
(Danielle Drislane)
Nominee: From Me to Me - Messages
Through Time Travel (Danielle Drislane)
Best Cinematography
Winner: Itch
Nominee: Art/Form
Nominee: Goodman
Nominee: Arachne
Nominee: Hope

Best Writing
Winner: Hope
Nominee: Goodman
Nominee: The Babysitter
Nominee: The Messenger!
Best Editing
Winner: Reincarnation - Clinton
Nominee: Hope
Nominee: Lilith Come Out
Nominee: Reincarnation - Trump Style
Nominee: The Crop Circle Warning You
Must Know - April 26, 2017
Nominee: Circle of Warnings - Mayday 2017
Nominee: Warnings in 2017's First 3
Crop Circles
Nominee: Prophecy Fulfilled or Dire
Warnings - May 22, 2017 Crop Circle
Best Special Effects
Winner: Hope
Nominee: Art/Form
Nominee: Itch
Nominee: Slit
Nominee: Story Behind the News -
Space Superbug

Best Sound
Winner: Conduit
Nominee: Hope
Nominee: If Nibiru is not real, what did
scientists just find?
Best Music
Winner: Goodman
Nominee: Hope

Best Badass
Winner: Revenge is Best Served...
(Karissa Marston)

Best Atmosphere
Winner: Goodman
Nominee: Conduit
Nominee: Itch
Nominee: The Babysitter
Best Scare
Winner: Itch

Best Kill
Winner: Art/Form
Nominee: Revenge is Best Served...
Nominee: Hope
Best Original Concept
Winner: Art/Form
Nominee: Goodman
Nominee: Illusion
Nominee: Slit
Nominee: The Scarecrow's Curse
Nominee: Can you erase my memory?
Nominee: I am a Glitch
Best Gore
Winner: Art/Form
Nominee: Hope

Best Humor
Winner: Hope
Nominee: Zomedy
Nominee: The Scarecrow's Curse

Best Feature Script
Winner: Goodbye God, I've Gone to Bodie
Nominee: Final Hours
Nominee: Strappado
Best Short Script
Winner: Gateway Sins
Nominee: What the Heart Wants